
Just like taking my first step at the trailhead, beginning a blog is full of unkowns…what is this journey we are embarking on? What will we discover while we’re here? I imagine this blog will eventually be filled with photos and tales of journeys all over the wild Midwestern United States landscape, throughout other regions of the United States, and in natural settings around the globe.

Lovers of the wilderness in all of its spectacular layers, we relate to our outdoors from close to the ground – literally with a jeweler’s eye – and we relate to our outdoors from cliffs stretching out over a grand vista.

This blog will document our work, our experiences, and relevant topics such as flor and fauna, eco-psychology, hiking, backpacking, and beyond.

Russell and I are excited to welcome you on our exploratory journey into the wild nature of our mysterious and astounding planet; and into the co-existing wild nature of our mysterious and astounding inner worlds.

Let the adventure begin…

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